Global Meditation

I have been meditating and exploring the inner universe since my teenage years. Meditation has always been a natural part of my daily life, and through this practice, I have also sent good energy into the world.

If we want to create peace in the world, we must start with ourselves. The first step is to find peace within. As inner peace grows, it begins to spread around us because we carry this peace within us. Actions driven by the heart create genuine change.

That is why I have created this initiative. It is an opportunity for us to connect with one another – even across great distances. We are spread over six continents, and not everyone has the time or resources to travel far, whether for financial or practical reasons. That may come later, but for now, we can be part of this practice together and feel the connection, no matter where we are in the world.

Four times a day – on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – you have the opportunity to meditate alongside others from Noble Cohesion. We meet in thought and spirit at the following times (Danish time/Copenhagen):

• 6:00 AM
• 12:00 PM
• 6:00 PM
• 12:00 AM

Each session lasts 30 minutes. Please note that Denmark observes daylight saving time, so be sure to check the local time to avoid meditating at the wrong time.

You join whenever you can. It doesn’t matter if you can only participate once a week or once a month – every contribution counts. The more of us who join, the stronger the energy we can send into the world. Even if you’re late, it’s better to join than to skip it entirely.

You choose how you meditate. It can be a deep meditation or your own personal way of finding focus. It could be a quiet moment, walking meditation, or simply sitting with a cup of coffee and sending kind thoughts into the world. What matters most is not what you do, but how you do it.

As you begin to observe the world around you, you may notice small signs of peace growing – like flowers blooming in the spring.

The Purpose
This is about coexistence and sending extraordinary energy into the world. It’s about peace, reconciliation, acceptance, understanding, forgiveness, tolerance, mutual respect, and openness.

We wish for the best for all people, animals, and nature.

This is the essence of Noble Cohesion.